Thursday, December 28, 2006

Redbacks at last win trophy

The South Australian Redbacks have had an appalling start to their season. They are now at the bottom of both the four day and one day competition league tables.

A glimmer of hope is at hand, though. Cricinfo reports today that the Redbacks, in the person of allrounder Mark Cleary, won the "Biggest Basher" competition.

What is this? A promotional stunt for the 20-20 competition which will be run next month.

How did SA win? By hitting a yellow plastic ball across the River Yarra.

And the trophy? A yellow plastic bat.

[Amendment 31 January 2006]

I saw tucked away in a corner of the The Age (which I can't find online) that none of the contestants managed to hit the "ball" across the Yarra, which means that the winner must have been determined by another method.

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